AF Fireguard 3

Flexible fire protection for ventilation ducts

AF FIREGUARD 3 is a flexible protection certified under EN 1366-1 to guarantee a EI 120/180 performance for metal duct penetrations exposed to external fire.

Weight: 4,30 kg /m2
Price: €72,40 /m2

Choose the quantity (m2)

Technical Features

The product is a rock wool cushion quilted on a metal mesh. The exposed external side is covered with a wire aluminium foil, while the internal side has a glass wool fabric treated with a special ablative product. With its reduced 30 mm thickness, the cushion is easy to apply even on curved profiles and does not overload the support tie rods, which are certified without protection.

AF FIREGUARD 3 is an ideal product for fire protection of metal air supply ducts.


  • Weight: 5 kg/m 2;
  • Dimensions: 6000x1000x30 mm;
  • Specific weight: 100 kg/m 3;
  • Outer colour: silver;
  • Inner colour: white;
  • Thermal conductivity: 0.036 W/mK at 10 °C;
  • Water absorption ≤ 1 kg/m 2.

  • Weight: 450 g/m 2;
  • Dimensions: 25000x100x0.6 mm;
  • Composition: 100% siliceous fabric;
  • Fibre diameter: >6 microns;
  • Weft: 1500 N / 5 cm;
  • Warp: 1200 N / 5 cm;
  • Finish:  aluminium.

Direct Application

  • Metal air supply ducts.


  • Class EI 180 (EN 1366-1) Vertical;
  • Class EI 120 (EN 1366-1) Horizontal.

Packaging and Storage

6m2 rolls on pallets.
Stored in a closed environment.


Supply and application of AF FIREGUARD 3 fireproof cushion for metal ducts, consisting of a mineral fibre cushion of 30 mm thickness and density of 100 kg/m3 with external coating in aluminium and steel mesh, treated with the ablative AF SEAL T3 protection product, for the EI 120 protection of metal ventilation ducts. The transverse joints must be covered with AF BAND 3 aluminised adhesive tape.

Application Method

1a. RECTANGULAR SECTION: measure the duct perimeter and increase by 240 mm
to compensate for the cushion thickness + 200 mm overlap of the two sections.
(Total: duct perimeter + 320 mm);
1b. CIRCULAR SECTION: measure the duct circumference and increase by 190 mm
to compensate for the cushion thickness + 200 mm overlap of the two sections
(Total: duct circumference + 390 mm);
2. cut the AF FIREGUARD 3 cushion based on the length;
3. wrap the cut section around the duct overlapping the longitudinal joint
by about 200 mm;
4. secure the cushion with 1 mm steel wire for each 300 mm (three loops per metre);
5. repeat these steps to cover the whole duct with a second parallel layer;
6. apply the special self-adhesive AF BAND 3 to the transversal joint
between the two cushions;
7. Secure AF BAND 3 by placing a 1 mm steel wire around the duct.

All the steps must be repeated until the duct is covered.

Reason to choose AF Fireguard 3

 quick and clean assembly;

 surface already treated;

no complementary product needed;

 no STOP to mounting activity.



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