AF Cord
Fire protection for expansion joints
AF CORD is a cord designed under EN 1366-4 and EI 120 certified for sealing expansion joints with a maximum
width of 30 mm.
Weight: | 0,30 kg /m |
Price: | €8,40 /m |
Choose the quantity (m)

Technical Features
The product consists of a mineral wool cord covered with a polyamide mesh.
application is simple and intuitive. Insert the cord inside the joint by compressing it with your hands.

Direct Application
- Expansion joints.

- Class EI 120 (EN 1336-4) joints on rigid wall.

Packaging and Storage
25m rolls in cardboard boxes.
Unlimited under normal storage conditions.
Unlimited under normal storage conditions.

Supply and application of
fireproof joint cover consisting of a rock wool cord covered with fibreglass mesh, certified for EI 120 requalification of joints with a maximum width of 30 mm.

Application Method
Insert the
into the joint by pushing it with your hands.

Reason to choose AF Cord
simple and intuitive application;
no need of complementary sealants;
no waste, can be cut to size.
Do you have a special need? We can offer you the Solution that best suits you!
If you did not find what you were looking for and/or if you need further information, do not hesitate to call us at +39 0298879353, or fill in the form below