AF Cord

Fire protection for expansion joints

AF CORD is a cord designed under EN 1366-4 and EI 120 certified for sealing expansion joints with a maximum
width of 30 mm. 

Weight: 0,30 kg /m
Price: €8,40 /m

Choose the quantity (m)

Technical Features

The product consists of a mineral wool cord covered with a polyamide mesh. AF CORD application is simple and intuitive. Insert the cord inside the joint by compressing it with your hands.

  • Appearance: rock wool cord covered with glass fabric mesh;
  • Nominal diameter: 50 mm;
  • Length: 25 m rolls;
  • Nominal density: 50 kg/m3;
  • Weight: 300 g/m;
  • Maximum joint width: 30 mm.

Direct Application

  • Expansion joints.


  • Class EI 120 (EN 1336-4) joints on rigid wall.

Packaging and Storage

25m rolls in cardboard boxes.
Unlimited under normal storage conditions.


Supply and application of AF CORD fireproof joint cover consisting of a rock wool cord covered with fibreglass mesh, certified for EI 120 requalification of joints with a maximum width of 30 mm.

Application Method

Insert the AF CORD into the joint by pushing it with your hands.

Reason to choose AF Cord

 simple and intuitive application;

no need of complementary sealants;

 no waste, can be cut to size.



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